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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Well, it's just a theory

I have this theory about not getting sick. It stems from my college years when money was tight and food a premium. This was what my brother Trevor referred to as my ‘camel period,’ a time when, in my mind, I convinced myself that should I feel even the slightest of symptoms, a big heavy meal was all it took to sidestep any real illness. Call me crazy or chalk it up to wives tale medicine but it’s a practice I still live by.

Besides, it’s really not that different than the idea that drinking a certain beverage while flying will keep the plane aloft, which is what my friend Dave thinks. He revealed this eight or so years ago while on our way to Germany for work. “I’ll take a ginger ale, please. And can I have the whole can?” he added then turned to me revealing his theory. “It’s not that I actually believe we’ll crash if I don’t drink ginger ale, it’s just, well, you know, we’ve never crashed while I do drink it.” I smiled then turned a popped another mentos in my mouth wondering if his ginger ale and my mentos would do the trick. It was, after all, a long flight.

This morning Linda and I woke to the fourth and last of our girls down with a fever and I smiled. Looks like a big fattening lunch is in order.

What odd little secret theories do you live by?


linda October 14, 2009 at 1:20 PM  

If I really thought eating a big meal would save me from the swine flu right now I would gorge myself. I am using lysol and immense amounts of hand soap in hopes I will ward off this terrible flu.

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My name is Christian Darby and I'm a clothing designer. I tend to run into oddly interesting people and write about it, here in my blog. I also do a 'research & review' section each Friday where I cover different random topics.