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Monday, September 21, 2009

Mac Tech Support

As a fashion designer I generally tend to consider myself in pretty good touch with what’s going on. You know, up to speed pop culture-wise and stuff. I’m also a bit of a tech geek, keeping up on the latest gadgets and technology as it relates to my work and stuff. My knowledge is really just a half step above being pure pedestrian but it’s this half step that keeps a small army of friends and relatives calling for support. Last week it was Linda’s sister Janet, “Christian we just bought our first Mac and I can’t figure out how to do anything with it. Can you help?” she asked.

“Sure, what is it you’re trying to do?”

“Well the screen is just blank so what do I do?”

When I asked if she’d turned it on there was a pause followed by the realization that there might be slightly more to a Mac than simply “plug and play.”

Earlier in the week my daughter Gretchen received a text message then complained, “I’m so tired of getting forwards from so and so. All she does is forward stuff all day long. She never actually sends any real texts to me.”

I had no idea one could forward a text message, believing this feature was limited to emails. I mentioned this and there was a pause followed by my realization that there might be slightly more to texting than simply texting.

Like I said, slightly above pure pedestrian.


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My name is Christian Darby and I'm a clothing designer. I tend to run into oddly interesting people and write about it, here in my blog. I also do a 'research & review' section each Friday where I cover different random topics.